Shop Update

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At last I finally have a sock pattern that is done, edited and available for purchase. Lucky Diamond, from Sock Madness 3, is up in the shop. I'm on the road to having a couple more ready too, just need to pick up some yarn for new samples from Wendee.

Speaking of Wendee, she's having a shop update herself later this morning. Go check out the lovely yarn at Hazel Knits. I've been working the majority of my fingering weight projects in her Artisan Sock yarn and have to say it's awesome. Not only does she have a great eye for color, but her base is really solid. Soft enough for me to use and wear (that says a lot), but sturdy enough to last (thanks to the bit of nylon in it). Just don't buy up all the Spanish Wine, I've got my eye on some.


Randi said:

Now we know who the sesnlibe one is here. Great post!

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