Messy Tuesday

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My intent for today's post was to flash my yarn stash, however, since I spent the weekend sick with a sick toddler, no yarn was pulled out for photographing. So instead I've decided to join Messy Tuesday (inspired by Mel). Actually showing off a mess at the house takes planning, so today I'll instead show off the mess that is my desk at work. Behold the glorious piles!

MT Apr 1.jpg

As a little digression, I give you Zig at Easter. The look pretty much says it all.

Zig Easter.jpg

'You seriously think I'm going to wear these things?'

Lastly, a shot of him at the doctor's office waiting for his appointment. He's doing the sign for more there (well, his version of it anyway). Basically saying more grham crackers please Mom.

Zig at Doc.jpg

Turns out he's got a sinus infection and I've got the flu. Which I find interesting since we've got the same symptoms. Ah well, I'm not a doctor, so what do I know?

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