Things That Make You Smile

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Back in 2004 I got to spend my birthday in Germany and it was awesome. Grant arrived that day and we had a wonderful time taking in the sights. I happened to be there on a business trip and my colleagues discovered what day my birthday was. So of course I had many of them wish me a happy day. The funny thing is, one of the guys, who I actually rarely get to work with (we're in the same large department, but our functions don't overlap much), has emailed me to wish me a happy birthday every year since. I'm guessing he's got it programmed into his calendar, but still, the fact that he takes the time to drop me a note every year for 4 years makes me smile. It's these little gestures of human kindness and interaction that mean the most really. I'll take a heartfelt card or email or even IM over a gift any day.

So yay, what a great way to start out my birthday! We'll see what surprises Grant has in store for me later today. Stay tuned!


Holly said:

Happy Birthday, a week too late! Sounds like it was working up to be a good day!

mel said:

I'm a bit belated, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mel!! I hope it was wonderful and you had some great time with Grant & Zig :)

dad said:

well we were going to call you last night to wish you a Happy Birthday and now it's almost 2 am here and we are wishing it to you...maybe in the morning when I get to go to see Sylvia we will try to callyou at t he office. Happy Birthday to such wonderfull daughter and to think that in 5 more days.....also it will be Mark's Brthday!!!!. Love..Dad and Mom.

Sue said:

Happy Birthday! Hope it's a great one, and that you get YARN!

Sara said:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Here's to hoping that you have a great day.

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This page contains a single entry by published on February 1, 2008 11:14 AM.

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