Sniff, Sniff

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You'll have to forgive me, but I'm a little teary eyed at the moment. Ziggy is cutting his first tooth. I felt the sharp little ridge last night when he was chewing on my finger. I actually got a bit weepy because teeth are such a sign of growing up. My baby isn't quite so little any more. I knew this would happen, but it's still a little sad for me. Soon there will be a mouth full of teeth and he'll be walking and talking and eating solids. Where does the time go?

On the knitting front I had to break away from HSD for a bit. Once again I'm out of yarn. This is what happens when you buy yarn to design a sweater for the first time and you're a cheap novice knitter. At least with this color I have options. I've got a couple folks looking for more camo for me and if that fails I can frog Grant's scarf that has this same yarn and use it for the sweater. I just hate to do it. He uses that scarf. It kept him warm in Ithaca. On the other hand, the yarn will still be keeping him warm, just in another form. So we'll see how it pans out.

So since I couldn't work on HSD, and none of the other oh 5 or 6 projects I've got going caught my eye, I cast on a Ballet T-shirt from Loop-D-Loop. I'd like to point out that I used stash yarn bought for exactly this project last October to boot. See, a stash comes in handy some times. This was such a satisfying project. I cast on Monday and bound off last night. I'm wearing it today. I'll try and get a shot posted later.



Sara said:

I love the ballet t-shirt sweater. I think I knit four of them last fall when I was on my knitting marathon. I have a back issue of Interweave that has a version with 3/4 length sleeves, if you're ever interested (not that you need sleeves in the summer, but, you know...).

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