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We interrupt our usual knitting blather with an exciting update!

As many of you know Grant has been working at a start up for the last few months. What better time to leave the bosom of corporate America and venture out on a risk then when you're expecting a new baby? I kid, I kid. But seriously, it wouldn't be our lives if we didn't keep things interesting.

Now, after many months of long days and longer nights for the guys at SpotDJ, there is a Beta release! So, if you want to know what Grant has been up to, go see for yourself. There's a great article on what SpotDJ does over at Techcrunch. There is also a fun little intro flash on the main page of SpotDJ you can listen to. I've got to say, if you're a music fan and you miss the days of DJs on the radio that weren't annoying shills hocking advertising this is the product for you. Go, check it out and enjoy!



Christina said:

What a cool product. And I love the "crazy" cactus at the end of the demo. :) Tell Grant "nice work".

~ Christina

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