Happy Knitaversary to Me
It was one year ago today that I first picked up the knitting needles, knit a few rows on some scrap yarn and cast on for my first scarf. Since then I've managed to knit up some 50 or so odds and ends. It's been a lot of fun picking up a new hobby and making some great new friends in the process. I can't wait to see what the next year of knitting will bring!
You are indeed an over-achiever in the knitting universe! Happy knitaversary, girl!
Jinkies, bat girl! One year? 50 objects? You are amazing. It's been so much fun knitting with you this past year and getting to spend way more time together!
Hurray! Happy knitting!
Happy knitversary! I'm so glad you did pick up those needles because if not I wouldn't have gotten to meet you. Happy knitting!
~ Christina