Happy New Year!
Grant and I are back in California after a lovely and relaxing vacation spent in mostly sunny Mazatlan and surprisingly sunny Texas. Much time was spent lounging by the pool with his folks enjoying an array of delicious beverages. Grant had a mishap with his tooth, which you can read about over on his blog. Other than the tooth mishap all went quite well.
I got much work done on my knitting and will have updates and pictures on quite a few new FOs here shortly, once I get all the pictures uploaded to the computer. I'm actually dangerously close to being out of projects in the works, only four projects left to finish and two of those only need a bit of stitching, the knitting portion is done. Good thing I'll be hitting the sale at Knitting Arts tomorrow.
I must say that vacations are a wonderful thing and companies should give you more time off! Before vacation I was getting very irritable with my customers and just plain fed up. I must admit that I've come back from my time off much more relaxed and able to smile and shake my head at their odd requests again, rather than ranting to my poor coworkers about how frustrating the customers can be. Improved perspective and good cheer are very useful when you deal with customers on a daily basis, so I say, more vacations for me!
Welcome back to online! Now... WHERE ARE THOSE PICTURES!?! Need to see cute little blue Xmas sockies!
Love love love